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電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造



電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造

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電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造



電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造



電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造



電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造




圖/Caleb Woods 分享 facebook 「腳」猾的蚊子 英文撰稿/Dale AlbaneseSome insects mostly use their legs to push off and fly. Scientists found that mosquitos mostly use their wing power to push off. This means humans can’t feel them. 有些昆蟲的起飛動作,主要是用腳蹬跳推進至空中。科學家發現,蚊子並非如此,而主要是用翅膀的力量起飛,這意味當牠們準備從我們身上飛離時,我們很難察覺。(陳仙茜譯) #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }˙mosquito 蚊子 ˙push off 推離、推開 憂鬱的魚ncois Rousseau英文撰稿/Francois RousseauCan fish also get depressed? Scientists said that you can put a fish in a new tank, wait five minutes and know the answer. If the fish hangs around in the bottom half, it means that it is depressed. If it swims around in the top half, then it is not. Scientists say fish get depressed if there are not many new or interesting things in their environment. 魚兒也會心情不好?科學家說,把魚放進新的魚缸,5分鐘後就可知道答案。如果牠持續待在魚缸下半部晃蕩,即表示牠在憂鬱;游到魚缸上半部,則表示心情不錯。科學家說,如果環境周遭沒有新奇的事物,魚就會感到憂傷。(陳仙茜譯)˙depressed 憂鬱的 ˙hang around 遊蕩救救我的菜英文 簡單3招練出英語力看YouTubeWatching videos on YouTube in English is a great way to sharpen your listening skills. 看英語發音的YouTube影片是增進聽力很好的方式。聽Podcast Listening to podcasts in English is another great way to practice. You could find one for learning English or just listen to a podcast about something you like.收聽廣播「播客」也是一種很好的練習方式。你可以收聽英語學習節目,或單純聽你喜歡的東西。手機?設定英文模式Change your smartphone language setting to English. This can help you practice reading and writing every time you pick up your phone. If you like to play video, computer or phone games, choose some that are in English.將智慧手機的語言設定成英語。當你使用手機時,就可練習英文閱讀與書寫。如果你喜歡玩電玩、電腦或手機遊戲,盡量選擇英文介面。這些字,你用對了嗎?有Many simple sentences in Chinese use the word ‘have.’ What is at the zoo? Have elephants and tigers. In English, we use ‘there’ plus the ‘to be’ verb.日常中文句子常會用到「有」這個字。老師用英語問「動物園裡有什麼?」常聽到臺灣學生回答「have」大象和老虎。這是錯誤的英文。正確的說法是用「there」加上「 be」動詞。做In Chinese, you can say ‘write homework.’ In English, we always use ‘do’ when we talk about work. Be sure to tell the teacher that you did your homework.中文說「寫功課」,但英文提到作業或工作時,用的動詞是「do」。請你一定要用過去式告訴老師,你「做」完(did)作業了!用In English, we use things, like a pencil or a ruler. You cannot use a person. If someone has bothered you in some way, you need to say exactly how with the correct verb. For example, they pushed me.使用鉛筆或尺等物品,英語的動詞是use。但我們不會去「用」一個人。如果有人捉弄你,你應該用正確的動詞來描述,例如:他們「推」(pushed)我,而不是說:他們「用」(used)我。˙sharpen 削尖物品、精進技能˙setting 裝置、設定˙pick up 拿起物品˙plus 加上 ˙verb 動詞 ˙ruler 尺˙bother 打擾詞窮時,可搭配肢體語言聳肩Shrugging your shoulders shows that you need help or don’t understand something. Then you can just say the English words you do know.聳肩表示你需要幫忙或不了解某件事情。做完這個動作後,說出你會的英文單字即可。比手畫腳Maybe you’re looking for an object, a basketball for example. Use your hands to show the size and shape. Then act out what you will do with it, like dribbling and throwing.假設你在找某樣東西。以籃球為例,你可以用手勢表達籃球的大小和形狀,然後做出跟籃球有關的動作,譬如運球或投球。不要一直說Yes?NoThe words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are easy to learn, but you don’t always need to say those words. For ‘no,’ you can shake your head. For ‘yes,’ nod your head.「是」或「不是」這兩個字很容易,但並不表示你得經常使用。「不是」可用搖頭表示,「是」則點頭。打開世界的大門If you want to go to the best universities, you need to understand English just to get in. Want to be your own boss someday? English is the language of global business.如果你想進入世界上最好的大學,那你必須對英語有深刻的了解才行。英語對你非常重要,因為英語是全球企業的共通語言,如果未來你想自己當老闆,對此就應有所體認。把英語列為官方語言,好嗎?People in Taiwan have talked about making English an official language. Singapore has already done this. Is this a good idea for Taiwan? It could help a lot if everyone was speaking more English instead of just the foreigners you meet. It would also make Taiwan more attractive to English speaking tourists and business people.有人提議把英語列為官方語言。新加坡就是這麼做,但這適用於臺灣嗎?假設在臺灣,人人經常開口說英語,而非遇到外國人才說,這種情況下把英語當作官方語言才有助益,會讓臺灣吸引更多英語系國家的觀光客及商務人士前來。˙look for 尋找˙dribble 籃球運球˙throw 投、拋˙university 大學˙foreigner 外國人˙tourist 觀光客˙shrug one's shoulders 聳肩˙official language 官方語言(本文轉載自【新一代兒童週報】013期)

電精靈9尺延長線 PSK-336B (2.7米)六開六插接地延大金空氣清淨機mc80lsc長線 90度插頭安全平貼設計 台灣製造



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